Camp Drop off and Pick Location:
Parking is in the south lot of St. Paul Lutheran Church (off of Red River) On Luther Lane.
Park in the back area of the building near the recycle dumpster. You will see our signs.
The entrance will be through the black gate into the playground.
Once parked, walk to the black gate.
Refer to the ‘guidelines’ document attached for further detailed instructions on protocols.
If you arrive before 9am, please stay in the car with your child.
Please arrive no later than 9:15am and pick up between 12:00-12:30.
Sign in/out- A Mariposas team member will check your child(ren) in & out digitally.
Be sure your child/children use the restroom and wash hands throughly before leaving the house.
Child’s temperature must be below 99.6. We recommend checking temperature before arrival.
Please read & sign our Regulations and Guidelines document (attached) for more details on protocols.
Pick Up Procedure:
Pick up can be done between 12:00-12:30pm in the same location as drop off. (Lunch begins just before noon.)
Please park in the same area and walk into the playground area to pick up your child.
Please pick up your child no later than 12:30PM, as teachers have other duties and commitments.
*Late pick ups will be charged $1 per minute after 5 minutes of late pick up time.
3501 Red River | Austin, TX 78705